The Greek American Heritage Society of Philadelphia

Home » News » St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral offers office and storage space to GAHSP

St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral offers office and storage space to GAHSP

September 1, 2013 in General

The Heritage Society is pleased to announce that the St. George Cathedral has given us access to office and storage space in their Cultural Center located just a few blocks from the Independence National Historic Park and from the location of the original “Greektown” in the City of Philadelphia. St. George Cathedral plays a significant historic role in the life and heritage of the Greek American Community of Greater Philadelphia. It has, over the years, been at the center of our community and heritage.

We are looking forward to developing a home at the Cathedral as a central location for our activities and programs. Additionally, having a secure location for the storage of our growing archive collections and having a place for displays and exhibits is critical for the future of the Heritage Society.

The office space will give us the ability to have meetings with stakeholders and provides a place for doing administrative work such as maintaining our records and files. Volunteers will be able to work on archival and other project in the Heritage Society’s office at the Cathedral. Individuals will be able to enjoy cultural heritage programs at a nice facility.

The Board of Directors of the Greek American Heritage Society of Philadelphia are grateful for the help and support that the Leadership of the Cathedral have shown in helping our emerging organization. It is important that the Heritage Society has a physical location, and now we do thanks to the members of the St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral Community.

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