Donation of the Vlassopoulos Music Collection
September 5, 2012 in General
We are pleased to announce that the Vlassopoulos Family recently donated the music collection of Mr. Gregory Vlassopoulos Sr., founder of the Greek Radio Network. The valuable collection documents the musical interest and taste of the Greater Philadelphia Greek American community during the 1970’s, 80’s and 90’s. We are planning to create an archival index that details the performers, songs and songwriter on over 800 different albums.
In the future we plan to fully document the importance and contributions of this significant activity that helped to create the fabric of the Greek community within out region. Mr. Vlassopoulos and the Greek Radio Network of Philadelphia were responsible for bringing numerous Greek artists and performers to the greater Philadelphia region.
We are thankful to the Family for donating this valuable collection to the Greek American Heritage Society of Philadelphia.