The Greek American Heritage Society of Philadelphia

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2014 Annual Board Meeting

April 26, 2014 in Meetings

GAHSP’s General Elections Meeting is on April 29, 6:30 pm at St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral, 256 S 8th St, Philadelphia, PA.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Appointment of the Special Meeting Chairman and Meeting Secretary
  3. Roll Call of Society Members in attendance
  4. Old Business
    1. Transition
      1. Final report on Transition (Establishment of Board)
      2. Move of Investable Funds to Haverford Trust
      3. Appointment of Signers
    2. Fundraising/PR Estia event with IOCC and various professional societies
  5. Treasurers Report
  6. Tax Returns
  7. Haverford Report
  8. Budget Review
  9. New Business
    1. Cosmos Philly Projects
    2. Water Works Event
    3. Google Museum
    4. Fundraiser – Soccer Game
    5. Winery Event
    6. Installations for Clergy Laity May in Philadelphia
    7. Coffee Hour promotion
  10. Establish Goals for next Year May 2014- April 2015
  11. Appointment of a Board of Election
  12. Nominations for the Board of Directors
  13. Election of Directors & Officers

Please note the current board members serving terms below:

  1. Determine date for the next Board of Directors Meeting
  2. Adjournment

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