Eleni Zarbalas-Pantaridis, Skating for Team Greece
“In order to be a good roller derby skater, you have to go in with the idea, that there’s always room to grow, your always going to learn something, you never reach a peak, so you have to work hard, train hard, have some humility, but at the same time have some confidence in yourself and in the other skaters on the track with you”.
In 2014, Eleni Zarbalas-Pantaridis participated with team Greece at the Blood & Thunder Roller Derby World Cup in Dallas Texas. Eleni was born and raised in the historic Greek community of Upper Darby just outside West Philadelphia.
Her love of sport and country are evident as she continues to her efforts. She is working with the Roller Sports committee in Thessaloniki, to make sure that team Greece has a presence in Barcelona in the 2016 World Cup. Eleni was honored last month at the Philadelphia Greek Basketball League (PGBL) annual banquet. An attorney and mother of two, she resides in Florida where she continues to skate.
Images in this video are courtesy of David A. Carter, Ken LeBleu, Phantom Photographics, Steve Beard and Dub City Derby Girls, Palm Beach.