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Transitional Planning Committee met on February 25th

March 5, 2013 in General

The Transition Planning Committee met on February 25th to plan the transition of the leadership and governance for the Greek American Heritage Society of Philadelphia. The Society’s pre-existing transition plan named Michael K. Pahides as the Corporate Secretary/Treasurer in the event that M. Peter B. Christie could no longer fulfill his responsibilities. This transition plan was approved during the meeting of the Heritage Society’s Board of Directors in 2011.

The members of the Committee include Michael Pahides, Nick Voutsakis, Nick Yiantsos, Dr. Kitroeff, Dr. Maria Hnaraki, and Stephan Pahides, Esq.

The agenda included discussion of the Transition Plan, review of the 2013/2014 Strategic Action Plan, updates on meetings with the executor of Peter Christie’s estate, the accounting firm, and meetings with bank representatives. A treasurer’s report was provided and the committee set the date for the Greek American Heritage Society of Philadelphia’s Annual Meeting which will be held on April 10th at Haverford College. Dr. Kitroeff updated the committee on his work of recruiting members of the academic advisory committee.


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