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Second meeting for the Heritage Center Project held

August 3, 2011 in Meetings

The Steering Committee for the Heritage Center Project met again recently. The following individuals were in attendance: Bernadine Haws, Nick Voutsakis, Nick Yiantsos, Elias Pandelidis, Stephan K. Pahides, Gregory Vlassopoulos, Peter Christie and Michael Pahides.

Updates were provided on the strategic and business plans, the fundraising plan, the PR and marketing plans, and programmatic activities. The Committee approved plans for developing a new web site and social media presence. Additionally a new brochure and other supporting collateral material have been approved for development.

The Committee reviewed the draft report and findings of the Real Estate Committee. Three different development plan scenarios were discussed and evaluated. Feedback from the Steering Committee suggested that additional market research and real estate evaluation would be necessary. Generally, the Steering Committee agreed that key first steps are to focus on building an organization, increasing the number of Society stakeholders, and developing programs that the community supports.

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