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Lola Lagakos

Photo Tour 2019

Lola Lagakos

Lola Lagakos Gifted and dedicated to her Church

Lola Lagakos was President of the Philoptochos chapter at St. Thomas Greek Orthodox Church in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, from 1972-1974, following in the footsteps of her mother-in-law, Stavroula Lagakos.

Lola was also President of the first Hellenic Ladies Society of Camden in 1929. She was among the founders of St. Thomas Greek Orthodox Church in 1966, a member and officer of the Daughters of Penelope, and helped to launch “The Agora”, an annual Greek festival at St. Thomas Greek Orthodox Church. Lola was involved in other fundraisers for the church for many years.

Lola was a Choir member for twenty years and the Choir Director for eight years, doing all this while raising her four children. She has three grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

Submitted by Matina Lagakos